FHSD Earns Five-Star Rating on 2023 Ohio Report Card

Forest Hills School District is thrilled to announce key improvements in the 2023 Ohio School Report Cards. The district earned the highest possible overall rating of five stars and also received that rating for Achievement, Early Literacy, Graduation Rates and Gap Closing.
“We are incredibly proud of the talented students and dedicated staff who helped Forest Hills School District achieve these outstanding results on the Ohio School Report Card,” Superintendent Larry Hook said. “This is a true testament to the efforts of all members of our school community who play a crucial role in educating students.”
Only 75 of 607 school districts received the five-star overall rating.
When compared to last year’s Report Card, FHSD improved from a four-star rating in Gap Closing to five stars. The district also improved its performance index score under Achievement, increasing from 99.965 last year to 101.3 this year.
To read FHSD’s full profile on the Ohio School Report Card website, please click here. You can also find more information about how the scores are measured in the Guide to 2023 Ohio School Report Cards here.
With a four-star rating in Progress for 2023, FHSD demonstrates “significant evidence that the district exceeded student growth expectations.”
“While reports like this can’t fully capture the entire scope of our work, we are pleased to have earned such high results and to see evidence of our long-standing commitment to high educational standards,” Superintendent Hook said.
“Report cards show the progress of districts and schools in raising achievement and preparing students for the future,” according to a press release from the Ohio Department of Education. “The data can be used to guide school improvement and respond to student learning needs. However, Ohio School Report Cards are not the only measure of the success or accomplishments of a school or district. Talking with parents, neighbors, students and graduates; browsing school and district websites; or visiting schools and meeting educators can provide a more complete picture of students’ educational experiences.”
To that point, Forest Hills School District releases an annual Quality Profile that provides a more comprehensive assessment of the district’s performance to supplement the state’s report card data. Because the state report card continues to focus primarily on how well students perform on state mandated assessments, FHSD feels it is important to inform families and community members about how the district is providing an unmatched educational experience.
Please check the FHSD website and social media channels this fall for the release of the Quality Profile.