
Meet the AHS Counseling Staff
Adrienne Black (Students with last names beginning with A-D) -- (513) 232-2772, ext. 2931
Chris DeLotell (Students with last names beginning with E-Le) -- (513) 232-2772, ext. 2908
Carol Terwillegar (Students with last names beginning with Lf-Ri) -- (513) 232-2772, ext. 2985
Amy Maxwell (Students with last names beginning with Rj-Z) -- (513) 232-2772, ext. 2901
Amy Sandmann (Administrative Assistant) -- (513) 232-2772, ext. 2909
Forest Hills School District provides school counseling services to empower students to make decisions which promote academic achievement, social well-being, career readiness and life-long learning. The district offers comprehensive, age-appropriate school counseling that is aligned with the state curriculum standards and the American School Counselor Association standards and every counselor must be licensed by the Ohio Department of Education.
Mission Statement
The Forest Hills Local School District provides a comprehensive K-12 school counseling program that prepares and inspires all students to achieve high standards of excellence in a constantly changing world. As school counselors we work to ensure that all students feel safe, respected, and supported in their learning environment.The school counseling program delivers intentional interventions that are evidence-based and data-driven. Preventative programs paired with these interventions help remove academic, career and social/emotional barriers allowing all students to achieve personal success every day. The school counseling department partners with other educators and stakeholders to advocate for equity, access, and success for all.
Crisis Resources
- If you, your student, or anyone else you know is in a life-threatening health crisis or emergency, call 911.
- If you, your student, or anyone else you know is in emotional distress or experiencing suicidal crisis, call or text 988, available 24/7.
- If you have concerns about threats to student safety, we urge you to call or text the Safer Ohio School Tip Line at 844-SaferOH. This line is staffed 24/7.
- If you are seeking additional resources, we encourage you to start at the links below:
- Course Guide 2024-2025
- Graduation Requirements
- Course Completion - Students are required to earn 22 credits.
- Demonstrate Competency - Students must earn a “competency” score on the English II and Algebra I End-of-Course tests as determined by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce.
- Demonstrate Readiness - Students will demonstrate readiness for their post-high school paths by earning two seals, one of which must be state defined.
- Diploma with Honors: Please let your counselor know by March of your junior year if you are working towards a Honors Diploma other than the Academic Honors Diploma. Students can only pursue ONE of the six Honors Diplomas, according to requirements from the Ohio Department of Education.
- Credit Flexibility
- College Credit Plus: State Resources and District Information
- Summer School
- AP testing calendar
- Four Year Course Planning Chart
- Community Partnership Program
- Experience Program
Planning for College
- Senior College Presentation
- Testing Websites
- College Board (SAT)
- Common Application
- FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
- Financial Aid & FAFSA 101 Presentation Slides
- Scholarship Search Engines
Career Exploration
- Xello Website: Student single sign-on link
- Xello is an online program your child is using in school to help them prepare for the future. It offers a variety of activities from kindergarten to the end of high school. These activities help students build self-knowledge, explore their options, and create achievable plans. They develop the 21st-century skills needed to thrive in the world of work.
- It’s important for students to take ownership in planning for their future. But the caring adults in their life play an essential supporting role. Use your Xello Family account to see your child’s work in future-readiness. Use this opportunity to discuss and support their future goals and plans.
- “Students complete interactive career, personality, and learning style assessments to help them better understand their unique interests, skills, and strengths. Each engaging assessment encourages reflection, helping students connect who they are with relevant career options.”
- Great Oaks
- If students are interested in attending a Great Oaks campus their junior and senior year, they should let their counselor know as early as ninth grade. Students can begin to apply to The Oaks during the Fall of their sophomore year. Students will have the opportunity to connect with and learn more about specific lab offerings prior to the application deadline. For more information please visit:
Parent Information
This section will be updated throughout the year with important updates and information relevant to parents, guardians and family members.
Internal Links & Forms
- Transcript Request
- Current AHS students can request transcripts in Schoology.
- All AHS graduates need to request transcripts through
- College Visit Form
- PE Waiver
- AHS School Profile