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Mercer Mascot

Mercer Elementary has a standard grading procedure, as well as additional notations that indicate work in progress or incomplete work. Grades indicate the extent to which the student has acquired and demonstrated the necessary learning.

In general, students are assigned grades based upon test results, homework, projects and classroom participation. Each teacher may place a different emphasis on these areas when determining a grade and will so inform the students at the beginning of the course. If a student or parent is not sure how a grade will be determined, they should ask the teacher.

Administrators and teachers develop and share clear, consistent criteria and standards for grading, particularly when grades are based on subjective assessment, with the goal of helping each student and parent understand what behavior and/or achievement is needed to progress toward course learning goals. Students are also given the opportunity to assess their own achievements and areas of difficulty. When a student appears to be at risk of failure, teachers work with parents to determine what actions can be taken and support given to help each child excel.

Students receive a report card two (2) times each year. Reading, writing, mathematics, science/health and social studies are assessed. Effort, work habits and personal development are also measured.

In addition, music, art and physical education are measured in grades one through six. Elementary chorus is evaluated in grades five and six. 


Grading in Grades K-6

There are four (4) grading periods for elementary students in grades K-6.  Report cards are issued two (2) times a year - late January and on the last day of school.  Interims are issued two (2) times a year - early November and late March. Parent conference days and evenings are scheduled in November and February/March at each elementary school.

Evaluation Areas by Grade Level

  • Kindergarten Areas of Evaluation

    1. Language Arts-Reading

    2. Language Arts-Writing

    3. Language Arts-Communication

    4. Mathematics

    5. Art-Music-Physical Education

    6. Behaviors that affect learning

  • Grades 1-4 Areas of Evaluation

    1. Language Arts-Reading

    2. Language Arts-Writing

    3. Mathematics

    4. Science/Health

    5. Personal Development

    6. Art-Music-Physical Education

    7. Social Studies

    8. Behaviors that affect learning

  • Grades 5 and 6 Areas of Evaluation

    1. Language Arts-Reading

    2. Language Arts-Writing

    3. Mathematics

    4. Science/Health

    5. Social Studies

    6. Art-Music-Physical Education

    7. Behaviors that affect learning

Grading Scales for Academic Areas

Grades K-6

1 - Not Meeting Standard - Area of Concern

2 - Approaching the Standard - Beginning to Develop

3 - Meeting Standard - Developing Appropriately

4 - Exceeding the Standard - Exhibiting High Performance

N/A - Not Assessed at this time

Grades 4-6

A - 90-100%

B - 80-89%

C - 70-79%

D - 60-69%

F - Below 60%

Behaviors that Affect Learning

C - Consistently meeting expectations

S - Sometimes meeting expectations

N - Not meeting expectations

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