Kindergarten Registration Now Open for the 2025-2026 School Year

Forest Hills School District is thrilled to welcome the newest group of students for the 2025-2026 school year! Incoming kindergarten and interested preschool families are encourged to get a jump start to join our award-winning elementary and early childhood education programs.
Kindergarten Enrollment
Beginning January 22, 2025, families can register students for Kindergarten as well as other grade levels for the upcoming school year. Kindergarten offers flexible options to suit family needs, including full-day and half-day options. You can refer to the Forest Hills Street Guide to find out which schools your child would attend based on street address.
If your child is currently enrolled in the FHSD Preschool program (or receiving special education preschool services at an outside program) and will transition to FHSD kindergarten in the 2025-2026 school year, you do not need to complete the new student registration process in FinalForms. Instead, you will receive an email from FHSD Preschool administration with directions to continue enrollment in the school district for the next school year.
Next Steps:
- Learn more about kindergarten in FHSD on our Kindergarten webpage!
- FAQs
- Kindergarten Program Guide
- Informational Video
- Visit an FHSD elementary school for Kindergarten Open House!
- All FHSD elementary schools will be hosting Kindergarten Open Houses on March 6, 2025 from 6:45-7:45 p.m. for families to learn more about academic programs, visit the school and classrooms and meet with staff and administrators.
Preschool Peer Model Lottery Process
The FHSD Preschool program follows a separate process for enrollment that begins on February 1, 2025. Families interested in applying for consideration to enroll a peer model student should visit the Preschool webpage to submit an application no later than February 23, 2025. The lottery drawing will occur on Monday, February 24, 2025. The FHSD Preschool Program is held at Sherwood Elementary School and offers half-day programming, with both morning and afternoon options.
Next Steps:
- Learn more about preschool in FHSD on our Preschool webpage!
- Peer Model Admissions Criteria and Application Link
- Preschool Program Guide
- Information About the Peer Model Program
- Information About Special Education Services
Grades 1-12 General Enrollment for New Families
Visit the FHSD Registration page to begin enrollment. Families who need to register students for grades K-12 can begin the registration process through our registration page starting January 22.
Any questions can be answered by calling FHSD Central Office at (513) 231-3600.