FHSD Announces November Parent Academy Topics and Registration

Forest Hills School District is holding our second of four Parent Academy Nights on November 30 from 6:30-8 p.m. at Nagel Middle School. Parent Academy Night provides the opportunity for parents and guardians, PreK-12, to come and learn about various topics that will help benefit you and your student(s). Topics range from how to help your child with reading, the college admission process, why attendance matters, and the R Factor. Our wonderful FHSD teachers, administrators and community members have all volunteered their time to make this night possible. Parent Academy is designed to benefit families with students of all ages.
Thank you to the Forest Hills Foundation for Education for sponsoring this event! This year, a light meal and childcare will be provided. The registration link below will help us plan for food and childcare. Thanks again to FHFE!
Larry Hook, Superintendent, is our featured speaker for November. His presentation is - The R Factor: E+R=O. Life comes at us fast. School, assignments, people, responsibilities, challenges and change. We are constantly dealing with the everyday "stuff" of life. Events + Response = Outcomes (E+R=O) is a simple system/mindset to help you navigate the events of school, work and life. The key to producing outcomes is not the events or circumstances you encounter, but how you choose to respond. It's called the R Factor. You choose what actions you will take (or not take) in pursuit of your goals. You choose whether to give up or persevere through the inevitable obstacles you will experience. You choose how to interact with people at school, activities, work and your family at home. Every day you make decisions about how to respond. The choices you make are the most powerful factor in your journey through life.
Please follow the link below to learn more about the topics that will be covered during Parent Academy Night. If you are not able to attend on November 30, the next Parent Academy is on January 24, 2024. This will be a great learning event that you will not want to miss. Once you register (using the link below), there will be more details to follow.
2023-2024 Parent Academy Article - LINK
Parent Academy, November 30th Topics/Schedule - LINK
Parent Academy, November 30th - Registration - LINK