FHSD Parent Academy Returns with Exciting 2023-2024 Schedule

After a successful inaugural series last year, FHSD Parent Academy is back for the 2023-2024 school year. A new addition to the series is a list of featured speakers who will offer unique expertise and insight during the four scheduled events.
Parent Academy is an opportunity for parents and guardians to learn about various topics that can help benefit them and their student(s). Participants register for breakout sessions that range from how to make reading fun in your house to tips on how to overcome anxiety. Our wonderful FHSD teachers, administrators and community members have all volunteered their time to make this night possible and it has been designed to benefit families with students of all ages.

The 2023-2024 program and featured speakers are made possible through the generous support of the Forest Hills Foundation for Education. You can learn more about how the Foundation supports students in the district and find information about donating at their website www.fhfe.org.
Take a moment to save the dates for this year’s Parent Academy evenings.
- Thursday, October 12, 2023
- Featured Speaker: Stephen Smith from A Wired Family delivers a presentation titled "The Silent Experiment. Social Media & AI: Their Impact on Teens & Tweens."
- See a full list of topics and find registration information here.
- Thursday, November 30, 2023
- Featured Speaker: Superintendent Larry Hook dives into the importance of leadership and the E+R=O approach to work and life.
- See a full list of topics and find registration information here.
- Wednesday, January 24, 2024
- Featured Speakers:
- Beech Acres Parenting Center experts discuss "Parenting Through Transitions and Big Emotions."
- Devorah Heitner, Ph.D., offers pragmatic, research-informed approaches to navigating digital milestones with kids.
- See a full list of topics and find registration information here.
- Featured Speakers:
- Wednesday, February 28, 2024
- Featured Speakers:
- Sarah Ward, M.S., CCC/SLP from Cognitive Connections, LLP provides practical strategies that work to improve executive function skills.
- Delaney Ruston, Screenagers filmmaker, discusses the impact of our digital age on teens' decision-making in relation to substance use through her presentation titled "Screenagers Under the Influence, Part 3."
- See a full list of topics and find registration information here.
- Featured Speakers:
- Monday, March 18, 2024 - New Evening
- Featured Speaker/Event:
- Bill Daggett is a respected presenter who is recognized worldwide for his proven ability to move preK-12 education systems toward more rigorous and relevant skills and knowledge for all students.
- A Community Wellness Fair will feature health and wellness resources from all corners of our community. Join us for an open house style fair with prizes, giveaways and more!
- Featured Speaker/Event:

The Teaching and Learning Department uses feedback from parents and guardians throughout the process to continually improve the topics offered and material covered. That process is important in making sure the sessions for each Parent Academy are relevant and helpful for FHSD families with students across all grade levels.
Specific topics and registration information will be shared via direct email with all FHSD families a few weeks prior to the event. That information will also be posted on www.foresthills.edu. You can view the event flyer here.
Each Parent Academy will be held at Nagel Middle School, 1500 Nagel Road, Cincinnati, OH 45255. The program will run from 6:30-8 p.m. each evening. Anyone with questions can call FHSD Central Office at (513) 231-3600 or email Bob Buck, Director of Elementary Teaching and Learning, at bobbuck@foresthills.edu.