Levy Financial Outlook
October Financial Overview
In October 2022, Superintendent Larry Hook provided an overview of the current financial situation facing Forest Hills School District. The detailed presentation discussed the challenges, relevant historical information and an overview of imminent and significant costs the district is currently facing. Superintendent Hook estimates that the district is currently facing $5-$5.5 million in imminent repairs and maintenance on critical facilities/equipment. The proposed levy would not provide enough funding to address all of the current needs, but it will allow FHSD to begin chipping away at the most critical projects and create a plan to meet additional needs over time.
You can find more information about that presentation by clicking on the links below.

Five-Year Forecast
The five-year forecast is a regularly updated document from the treasurer’s office that provides a financial outlook for the near future. In the most recent version, updated by Treasurer Alana Cropper in November 2022, FHSD is projected to reach deficit spending in 2023 and would hit a negative cash balance in 2026, if nothing changes.
You can learn more about the current five-year forecast at the links below.
Additional Questions?
Check out the Levy Frequently Asked Questions informational sheets: Levy and Taxes and District Finances.
You can also reach out to contact@foresthills.edu with any questions, comments or concerns about the levy request and a staff member from FHSD will respond.
You can call FHSD Central Office at (513) 231-3600 during normal business hours (Mon.-Fri. 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.).