District News
District News

Forest Hills School District is transitioning to ParentSquare to provide a streamlined communication platform for news and updates from the district and its nine schools.
For the past several years, ...

Winter Break Updates from Forest Hills
As we approach winter break and prepare for the new year, we want to ensure families have all the details they need about upcoming schedules, procedures and more.

Forest Hills School District Treasurer Alana Cropper presented the annual Five-Year Forecast Financial Report to the Board of Education at the November 2024 meeting. Each November, Treasurer Cropper p...
Erinn Cox, 6th Grade Teacher at Mercer Elementary, has been recognized as a finalist for the prestigious Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) for grades K-6....

U.S. News and World Report has placed all six FHSD elementary schools and Nagel Middle School among the top in the state.

Board Meeting Recap for November 2024
Forest Hills School District is utilizing these articles as a way to communicate specific action taken at regular Board of Education meetings throughout the year. The Board of Education met on Wednesd...

Career English students at Anderson High School recently visited Cincinnati City Hall to engage with leaders and representatives of the city’s more than 30 departments.

Forest Hills School District is excited to once again host the annual Science and Innovation Fair this school year at Nagel Middle School on January 25, 2025 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

FHSD Inclement Weather Plans 2024-2025
As we head into colder months, our school district is preparing for the possibility of school delays and closings due to natural elements, hazardous road conditions, power outages or other issues rela...

FHSD bus driver Dan Hornschemeier, a U.S. Navy veteran, participate in a recent Tri-State Honor Flight with his son-in-law Bill Meltebrink, a social studies teacher at Anderson High School.