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District News

Veterans day November 11, 2024 graphic

In recognition of Veterans Day, the School Resource Officer team at Forest Hills School District created a read-along of America’s White Table by Margot Theis Raven. Forest Hills School District thank...

Graphic that reads "FHSD Parent Academy, November 19, 2024, Nagel Middle School"

We hope many of you will consider joining us for our second Parent Academy Night of the school year, which will be held on Tuesday, November 19, 2024! The first session of the year was a valuable expe...

Graphic that says Board Recap October 16, 2024 Regular Meeting

Forest Hills School District is utilizing these articles as a way to communicate specific action taken at regular Board of Education meetings throughout the year. The Board of Education met on Wednesd...

Graphic with the FHSD logo that says "All In Food Drive October 14-18"

The annual All In Food Drive returns to all nine FHSD schools from October 14-18 to help support IPM Food Pantry. 

Chalkboard that says "Parent Academy, October 22, 2024"

FHSD is thrilled to announce the launch of its third-annual Parent Academy series on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 from 6:30-8 p.m. at Nagel Middle School! Parent Academy Night offers parents and guardian...

Graphic that says "Board Recap, September 25, 2024, Regular Meeting"

Forest Hills School District is utilizing these articles as a way to communicate specific action taken at regular Board of Education meetings throughout the year. The Board of Education met on Wednesd...

Graphic that says "Anderson High School, Excellence in STEM"

The Ohio Academy of Science announced this month it is awarding Anderson High School with The Governor's Thomas Edison Awards for Excellence in STEM Education and Student Research.

Graphic that reads "Parent Academy 2024-2025 Speakers and Schedule"

Forest Hills School District is thrilled to announce the 2024-2025 schedule and list of featured speakers for the popular Parent Academy series. The district is introducing new topics and special pres...

Graphic that reads "Five Stars - Ohio School Report Card 2023-2024"

Forest Hills School District is proud to once again earn a five-star rating on the Ohio School Report Card. This is the highest possible overall rating awarded to school districts, and only 68 of the ...

Image of a chalkboard that says "2024 College & Career Night" with the FHSD logo

Forest Hills School District will be hosting its annual College and Career Night on Monday, September 30, 2024. Students and families will be able to visit with representatives from more than 100 coll...

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